Data Security

The Three Biggest Cloud Data Security Challenges

rectangle Written by: Matthew Delman rectangle 2 5 min read

With around 60% of corporate data stored in the cloud, according to research, the necessity of protecting information stored in cloud-based systems is clear. The ability to make critical business data accessible from anywhere, offering unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

As more data enters the cloud, however, it becomes a more substantial risk for business continuity and requires more complicated protection. Threat actors start to target cloud data stores in greater numbers, and there are some major challenges. Three of the biggest include data loss, misconfiguration, and insider threats.

This blog post will touch on each of these major security challenges and provide guidance for how to secure against them.


1. Data Loss and Breach: A Persistent Threat

The specter of data loss or breach looms large over cloud environments. Despite the robust security measures typically employed by cloud providers, the sheer complexity and scale of these platforms create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors. A single misconfiguration, human error, or successful cyberattack can lead to catastrophic consequences.

  • Financial Loss: Data breaches can result in substantial financial losses due to extortion, fraud, and the costs associated with remediation and recovery. The average breach has risen in direct financial impact each year, with the latest numbers from IBM’s annual research placing the cost of a data breach at $4.45 million. And that’s not including lingering financial impact from lost revenue.
  • Reputational Damage: The exposure of sensitive customer information can irreparably damage an organization’s reputation, leading to loss of trust and customer churn. Organizations regularly suffer revenue impacts from data breaches, with some estimates noting an expected 73% drop in net income in the 12 months following a breach being reported.
  • Legal and Regulatory Penalties: Non-compliance with data protection regulations can result in hefty fines and legal liabilities, further exacerbating the financial impact. GDPR in the EU can carry a massive cost if your organization runs afoul of their rules.

To mitigate these risks, organizations must implement a multi-layered security strategy that includes robust access controls, regular data backups, advanced encryption techniques, and comprehensive employee training. This includes encrypting data while in-use, at rest, and in-transit to prevent threat actors from gaining usable information. It also means leverage advanced detection techniques to lock down cloud data stores in case of anomalous behavior to protect critical information.


2. Misconfiguration and Compliance: A Delicate Balancing Act

Cloud environments offer an abundance of configuration options, providing organizations with unparalleled flexibility. However, this flexibility also introduces the risk of misconfiguration, which can create exploitable vulnerabilities. The ability to customize cloud implementations and cloud storage means it’s incredibly easy to accidentally leave critical data exposed.

Additionally, complying with a patchwork of industry-specific and regional data protection regulations adds another layer of complexity. Regulations in the EU, United States, Canada, and other geographies mean a massive web of divergent regulatory requirements that organizations must comply with.

  • Data Exposure: Misconfigurations can inadvertently expose sensitive data to unauthorized access, leading to data breaches. There are numerous news stories about incorrectly configured Amazon Web Services S3 buckets leaving critical data exposed to the internet.
  • Operational Disruptions: Incorrect configurations can impair system performance, leading to downtime and productivity losses. If cloud systems are not configured properly, then employees cannot perform their jobs.
  • Regulatory Fines: Failure to comply with data protection regulations can result in significant financial penalties and reputational damage.

To address these challenges, organizations must invest in cloud security posture management (CSPM) and data security posture management (DSPM) tools, conduct regular security audits, and establish robust governance and risk management frameworks. Moreover, staying abreast of evolving regulatory landscapes is essential to maintaining compliance.

3. Insider Threats: The Human Factor

Insider threats, whether intentional or accidental, pose a significant risk to cloud security. Employees, contractors, and privileged users have access to sensitive data, making them potential targets for malicious actors or inadvertent data leaks.

  • Data Theft: Malicious insiders may steal data for personal gain or to sell on the black market. In fact, according to Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigation Report, 88% of the attacks were financially-motivated.
  • Data Destruction: Disgruntled employees can cause significant damage by deleting or corrupting critical data. Shutting down access during massive job change events is necessary to secure information from disgruntled current or former employees.
  • Accidental Data Loss: Human error, such as misclicking or sharing data with unauthorized individuals, can lead to data breaches. Employees often chose to circumvent rules to get their jobs done quickly, leading to accidental data loss because they were trying to make a sale or finish a critical project but circumventing protection rules in the process.

Mitigating insider threats requires a multifaceted approach, including rigorous employee vetting, comprehensive security awareness training, and robust access controls. Implementing a zero-trust security model and leveraging privileged access management (PAM) solutions can further enhance protection.

Safeguarding cloud data requires a proactive and holistic approach that addresses the multifaceted nature of security threats. By understanding these three critical challenges and implementing appropriate countermeasures, organizations can significantly reduce their risk exposure and protect their valuable assets.


How Sotero Secures Cloud Data

As organizations grapple with the complexities of cloud security, platforms like Sotero emerge as potential game-changers in the cybersecurity landscape. Sotero and similar solutions present a multi-faceted approach to addressing the current cloud data security challenges.

First and foremost, they champion enhanced access control by adopting role-based access control (RBAC), ensuring that only authorized and approved individuals interact with sensitive data while simultaneously simplifying management. This selective access dovetails with their emphasis on self-governed encryption, allowing organizations to retain control over their encryption keys, thereby reducing reliance on external parties and their associated vulnerabilities. But Sotero’s approach to encryption doesn’t stop there; it adopts a holistic stance, safeguarding data when it’s at rest, in-use, and in transit. This comprehensive encryption means that even if data falls into the wrong hands, it remains indecipherable.

Sotero understands that proactive monitoring is a critical piece of the puzzle. By integrating advanced data tracking and profiling, it can anticipate and counteract potential threats before they escalate. The platform’s prowess is further amplified with the integration of Artificial Intelligence. Harnessing the power of machine learning, Sotero ensures that any aberration, no matter how subtle, is detected promptly, allowing organizations to respond swiftly to any potential security concerns.

Through the power of Sotero, data stored in the cloud is easily protected against advanced cyber threats. No matter whether those are privileged insiders trying to exfiltrate data for their own malicious use or external actors seeking to breach systems. Sotero customers can be confident that their data is secured against advanced attacks – no matter where they originate.


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